Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

THE MINNEAPOLIS MORNING TRIBUNE: MONDAY SEPTEMBER .17 FAfTp; rot 'fx pit apt. Iuiiiiim a i it the altar by the bis program fcivon ly lu-M man, Mr. 'f tnjuiluri) i lailacti, a nun arid V. jii'ijnuT -y. C.

Evan-M Willaid i Mm Mm Tli- nid Air. Rishortl. Supper Club Itcsumes Weekly (iallieriutjs Ti fifth' nt the Wedncwlnv i- -p. 1 Sunda.v School to Meet. Browpton, sepf.

he m-nual convention of toe McLeod ciunty Kuiiday-kcleiol yill be held lier Haiurd-iy ami jSuiKViy, Jjtt'mlii" 22 ami 2H. Among tbe Kpeafcers will be Stale Si.iperif,k.iMleiil J. (JarrUaOn of Ht. Paul; Airs. XV.

II. Iwy. Rev. E. B.

Goelz, mid Hazel I'opp ami H. G. Peterson, ait of Hutcliinson: Rev. Edwin Evans, Mrs. W.

Gilbiat and L. B. Gilbert, all of flleticoe. dub m. at will the Co- The Twoiitiein tv.i'n-uieet, tomorrow at 1' home of Airs.

R. W. J1'" Jumbuj avenue. Niht Hopper -club meeting bo inaugurated nt an Informal gathering Wednesday at 8 p. in.

hi the homo of Miss Margaret Xterrott, 2301 (ilranl avenue Hfiuth. Weilm day, Hejitember SB, the regular weekly suppers at St. ijjJ to iBtiWMiWi mttHgMt.ti.ia brother ot the bride. Her goiu jvaa i hite satin canton i tie undapearl buckle held the draperies of the skirt. Rose point lace formed the i-hort sleeves and her veil of tulle wan held in place with a coronet of rose, point la and lilies of the valley.

A shown- of bride's roses ami lilies of the valley made up her bouyuet. After the ceremony a buffet supper Was served. Air. Benson and his bride left on a motor trip in thwisouihern pHi of the state and will be at home after October 1, at. 4209 Bryant avenue north.

jr vv nil: I vc Michigan to Boost Her for Woman Federation Office Paul rhureh parish house, Bryant anfl 'Franklin avenues, will begin. A home toniing has planned for the first regular meeting. Former members as well as the present member!) will be invited. a f-w JulmsUtn i 1 1 i vis of Mr. and tills 'J 'Oft if Mi- i Jiiv i (IK! h.i Iji'lli The out-of-town guests were Airs.

A. JM J. Hendrickson of New York City; a sister of the bride; Airs. A. Hansen of Seattle, and ATrs.

A. luifve and daughter, Miss Ruth, of Paul. Northwest to Aid Drive for Children of Europe Mi. K. A.

lr.S.HHn OF THE lfiiniin it'ii -i I n-uirm-d ye-sterduy from a trip ki .1 and the Yukon, lie h-i l-tn awsiy t-inon tlie middle of W.Hi WVMK I'LAi'kn FOR 20 biicm tln; dinner Kivt'ii by Mr. and Mrs. IvniiUauch. Jfi-'O -The Young Ladies' auxiliary of the Concordia society will hold the first fall meeting this evening at the Oman's Welfare league, IS 12 Harmon place, at 8 o'clock. There will be a program following the business meeting and refreshments will he served.

The L. L. club. Sons of Veterans Auxiliary No. 8, will meet tomorrow with Airs.

Marie Alyea, fcS'J. Columbia boulevard. The drill teams will practice this evening at 7:30 o'clock. James Bryant Woman's Relief corps will meet in Memorial hall Monday at 2 p. ni.

A "coflee can-dollar" party will be held at the home of Aliss Cooley, 2Q25 Clinton avenue, Thursday at 2 p. m. Mother-Child Relief association will hold an, nil-day meeting at headquarters 011 Wednesday, i Ida I. Everett Tent Ny. 8 will hold iU regular meeting evening 111 Memorial hall, courthouse.

All members are requested to attend. The- Women's Federation of Pilgrim Congregational church will have an ail-day metting Wednesday in the church parlors. 4 Luncheon will be served at "12:30 o'clock, followed with a talk by Mrs. 3 0 ApoltiglM to it A cumpalga throughout, the Northwest for funds for extensiv child welfare and medical relief work 1n Austria, Russia and Poland, will be started soon by the American Friends Service committee, it was Hiiuounced Sunday. The campaign has the endorsement of the North Dakota and South llakota State Medical the Hennepin t'otmly Ab-dlcal the Alinne-sola State iiC-ague of Nursing Education and llie Minnesota Dental society.

Dr. Chiuies L. Ala yo, who js a member of tho national committee of the Ameii-can, Aledjcal Aid for Russia committee, is actively interested in the voik. I With the Travelers. I AIlss Alouise Shedd, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. H. E. Shedd, 3406 Stevens avenue, will leave this evening for Nashville, where she will enter the Ward-Belmont school, Air. and Airs.

Gray Warren, Emerson avenue south, entertained a party of six at the Minneapolis Autuino-bile club, in honor of Aliss Alarjorte Kegrice of Ida Grove, Iowa. Miss Keg-rice was the house guest of Mrs. Warren for several weeks and left for hot-home Thursday. Air. Fred D.

DeVaney, 2301 Alinne-apolis avenue, left last week for Tuscaloosa, where he has a fellowship at the V. 8. experiment station, bureau of mines, Unlverity of Alabama. Air. DeVaney was graduated from the University of Minnesota last June, Mr.

Lyman B. Horton -of Fairmont, has been visiting with his uncle mmmk mm lh 22E5Z5 An Old Dish With a New Appeal Ida Martin on "India's Church and Alove Toward Home Rule." Roast Lamb Mint Saace The writer of these line opines that it would be well-nigh impossible to' wax sentimental in the above topper nd throat-cutting collar. Without Ivey's Chocolates, to make the maiden of his heart forget his distress, this gentleman's plight must have indeed been pitiable. Ivey's have made many an apology doubly easy. 'f The IVEY COMPANY The new touch is in the Mint Sauce.

Make it the and aunt. Air. and Airs. C. L.

Ingails, Neeaali (H-hools Jian liiuiK. Neenah, Kept. IS. -Students caught In the act of hazing trt-tjhuien will be susjiendd from scliool, ta an edict iued by C. F.

Hedges, superintendent 0 public schools, here. way you always have. Then add a liberal diiwh of at Tonkawood, for a week. Mr. Horton ie on his way to the Culver military academy, Culver, where he- has been a student for the past, three sum mmms Mi.Hiiit Ctli.e last evening in their Imint- in Imnor of Mr.

and Mrs. Uuw.tnl (Marion Mtir-), of fi'inii-1 ly uf Mii nrHiiiilisf. Mr. ami Mrs. Kuunn liavr 1 here to make their lioun' and have taken tins hornr uf JJuwan's mother, Airs.

ST. Mimri'. 1 Hi l.uan aviiutt' ani'th. ahili- Mrs. and li'-r Mifs Jiiic Tajliir.

will re.sidt: at the I.iliin- 'iir Anns this inter. IjK. KkNMJTIl TAYLOU OF NEW Turk will arrive today to join Mrs. Taylor (Anne who has been visiting- with pari ills', Mr. ami Mrs.

Andreas felaiid of Calhoun boulevard. Dr. mi Mrs. Taylor -vviil return to their home in about a week. Mrs.

'Wallace Benedict (Bremla t'eland) and her small ilattfihler, Gabriel, of Stanford. N. who are also the house guests of Mr. ami Airs. Uelaml, plan to visit here for a month longer.

A IiLKFKT SL'FPER WAS GIVEN' by Air. and Airs. Alortimer II. Boutelle of Mount Curve avenue lust evening in their home in honor of their daughter, Miss Betty Homelier and hei" fiance, Mr. Barton Fox of New York and Ixmis-ville, and for out-of-town guests ho came yesterday for the wedding of Aliss Boutelle and Air.

Fox on Wednesday. kbpteaibeji ms. saaii'el m. t)avi of Santa Anna, Will leave tor her home. Airs.

Davis it the guest of her brother and sister-in-law. Air. nd Airs. Walter J. Keith; of the Plaza hotel.

MK. A'KD A1US. ALBERT ZIAIMEU-man, 4508 Pleasant avenue, entertained friends and relatives at their home in celebration their twenty-fifth wed-4tng- anniversary, on Friday evening. Jilt Isabelle Iladley sang Beveral pe-lec'uons during the course of the evening. Out-of-tow 11 guests who came for the celebration were Airs.

Emma Hol-ton, Portland, and Misa Lillian Sax, Seattle, Ore. MISS AIAKOAIIET VAN TILBKRG, ftiUBhter of Mr. and Airs. F. K.

Van Tilberg, arrived home Friday. Alias Van Tllberg has been spending the summer mers. He has received. a scholarship In rnusio and will continue his studies SAUCE there for the next two ynrs. V'ouple CVMrates Gobleil Weddius.

CJljitonville.tWis., Sept. and Mrs. ClVls J. Krotiberg, pknjr residents of XVaiipaca county, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home here. Mr.

anfl Mrs. P. V. Dooley (Lucile Nicollet TTHl OHIOlNAI. WOftCtmftSHtRC Collins) of Curtis will return to tru nraa.

day from Chicago where they have been spending several days. Mrs. Margaret Cullem of Utica. N. and Mrs.

William Lee of Canas-goth, N. spent Thursday in Alinne-apolis as the guests of Airs. P. J. Kelly, ,114 West Thirty-eighth street.

MRS. C. W. ALVORD of Detroit, former president of the Michigan Federation of Wdmen's Clubs, will be nominated by the Michigan women for the office of second rice president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs at the biennial convention to be held in Los Angeles in June, 19U. I News of the Clubs.

I r. The Enreka Study club will begin the year's work with an Edgar. Guest meeting tomorrow at 1:43 m. at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. The School of Music and Psychology gave a tea Thursday afternoon at B8 South Eleventh street.

The cream color lace and rose buds. She carried a basket of pink roses. The ring was carried in a white roso on a satin pillow by little Junior Jlendrick-Hon of New York City. His nuit was of white satin and crepe de chine. The bride entored alone and was met gette crepe over pink, satin.

A wreath of gold leaves and pedals adorned her hair. She carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia roses and baby breath. Little Alillicent Carlson, sister of the bride, was flower girl. Her frock was of apple green French voile, trlnined with In the East and Atlantic City, N. J.

She motored from Chicago with a party ef friends and has joined her parents the Oak Grove hotel. MRS. UlEElAAl EURICH, 2322 Lake of the Isles boulevard, has just Northern Pacific Signals Cross Half the Continent From St. Paul-Minneapolis, Duluth To North Pacific Coast mm wKM returned from Detroit, where ha was called. 1V Jie death of her niece, week ago.

Airs. Eurlch and her daughter, MinN Martha Frances, had returned to Minneapolis only a few weeks ago from Grosce Pointe, a suburb of Detroit, where they had spent the summer. HONORING MRS. JAMES- O. BOS-ell of Brooklyn; N.

the house guest Airs. John. Blackmer, 34-9 Stevens avenuue, luncheon will bo jjiven by Mrs. E. Talliint at ber home at Mound," Wednesday Airs.

John Boxell, KJj AUlitiohaha avenue, St. Paul, will be hostess at a dinner in her home. Mrs. Juiian Xa-acIi of Si. Anthony Iark, entertained for Airs.

Boawell at dinner Wednesday evening at her lionie. During her- visit in the city Mrs. Boswell is mWaking at, the differ nt churchea of the city, Tuesday afternoon she will address a meeting at the Olivet Presbyterian church; Wednesday afternoon a missionary meeting 1 at "Westminster church, and Thursday evening another meeting at the Fifth- Avenue Congregational church. "Does the Church Need the Jw" will be the subject of her talk het Sunday the Stuart Atetnorial church. Following a dinner to be given for her later at the Home for Children and Aged Women, she will give a talk, and in the vening she is scheduled as a apeaker lor llie Lake Harriet Baptist church.

km 'After mm. AllthefioodnesSs flavor, the quality that goes Into WRIGLEV'S A i at the factory IS KEPT JC4I IN IT FOR YOU. "'fli The sealed package d08S breaks nx the seal. rffl) l)vl WRIGLEV'S is pure chicle A vA and other ln2rcdients of the 7f hl2hest quality obtainable. I yJ It is made under modem I fT I sanitary conditions.

VM WRICLEVS Kds appetite. Mew 1 I teeth white and helps digestion. sv Save Wrlslty i I 7 s5jw wrappers.5 V7i They ar 7 noodfor A ilk ASf! valuable--' 1 teGse I ACROSS half tha continent from the Mississippi River and head of the Great Lakes to the North Pacific Coast the Northern Pacific ta installing electric automatic block signals. This great undertaking is Hearing completion. At the dote ef this year construction activities, all the main line of the Northern Pacific Railway from St.

Paul and Minneapolis to Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, will bo protected by the most modern type of dectrically operated block signals. In addition the important main track between Duluth-Superior and Sa Paul-Minneapolis has the complete standard installation. Altogether, the Northern Pacific has more than 2800 miles of track safeguarded with automatic block signals. The cost hat been more than $4,000,000. Every possible care is taken to give passengers on the Northern Pacific safe, comfortable, quick and completely satisfactory transportation service.

In the Weddintrs. last seven years the Northern Pacific has carried 60,000,000 people safely with- iout a single fatal accident among its In 1923 i passengers. On your net trip over the Northern IScnson-l'arlson, B-fore-an Improvised altar of palms, tall cathedral candles, and gladioli, the wedding of Al iss Irene A. Carlson, daughter of Mr. and Airs.

Charles T. Carlson, apd. Air. Cl.fford Benson, was solemnized Tuesday evening, September 4. at the home of the bride's parents, 413 Thirty ninth avenu north.

The R.ev. Frank H. Harron of the North M. ehurch, read the service at 8:30 o'clock In the presence of lii guests. Mr.

K. E. Crosland, accompanied by Aliss Audrey Anderson, a cousin of the bride, sang Until," and "When Song Is Sweet." "The Bridal Chorus" from "Lohengrin" was played by Alts Anderson as the processional, and during the ceremony he played 1'romKse Me." Miss Irene Burns, who was the maid honor, wore a gown of orchid gsor- tbe principal slgasl worm en ths Northern Padftc is baag rtow on ths Pate Division, bstwten Cheney and Pasco, Wash. 1 J9 miles of track. Dakota Division, between Maodan and Jamestown, N.

Dak. -I OS miles of track. Fargo Division, betwscn Jsncstown and Fargo, N. Dakv ISO snUes of track. Pacific watch the block signals.

Notice the accuracy of their operation. They are representative of the scientific precision, skill and genius which goes into the operation of the Northern Pacific Ry. tlchtt anyvhr a. f. McNeill, a.g.p.a.

522 2nd Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn. 2Bss2sBssss2ai YOUR WIFE EVERYBODY KNOWS THt QUALITY COMPARE TKI tfff QUANTITY Coticura Talcum NEEDS A ROY1 VACUUM CLEANER is every womnn's secret wish to own one. jou'll make her happy by havinjr one sent home as a surprise. SOLD OX TffBMS ForYoungAndOld After bath with Cutlcura Soap nd warm water Cutlcura Talcum Is Indispensable in soothing and AIRPLANE and WHITE LILY Elcctrio Washing and Wringing Machines. Hugro Electric Vacuum Cleaners LIBERAL TERMS.

Try Laird Service. II. (1. Laird Co, Genera 1663. 215-217 So.

4th St. mm cooling tender or irritated skins. Tbey tie Ideal for all toilet uses. i. i UmftM H.a Mdrnai "s.iwUSw-Kr Urt M4r ISe.OiMMl Mm4 to ftimm Ma Cxjcm wKUWvt mmf.

ShoePolichao 'A.

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.